Friday, March 2, 2012

Crunching butterflies

I've always been a fan of the amateur study of people.  Really, not many things are more fun for me that I can do in public.  I love watching the cause and effect and how they interact. And with each person being completely different, the interactions are almost NEVER similar. How one person reacts to a good joke may be the complete opposite of how another person reacts, or even the original depending on the lunar cycle, what they ate that morning, who they came in contact with, what their routine for keeping their energy level up is, etc. I bet you could probably add a couple things to that.  Many many more things.  What affects your mood? Is it an outfit that just doesn't fit right? A nostalgic thought you had this morning after hearing your highschool sweetheart's song on the radio? If you woke up refreshed? How about 5 minutes earlier than you expected? Ever have those days where you wake up an hour early, refreshed, and you have all this time to kickstart the day?  What about the opposite? What if the line at Starbucks is 2 cars more than normal and you know that might make you late for work?