Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two Minutes Hate

Let's be clear on this: George Orwell is not only a visionary, but a freaking prophet.  I'm currently playing the part of Winston Smith in the stage adaptation of Orwell's, "1984."  I really didn't have time for this show, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to participate in this iconic show. After having rehearsed multiple times and thought through my character, I've been moved to consider some of the ideas presented in the show.  For instance, one of my lines includes a partial reading of a book called, "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism," which is a book written by the strawman antagonist, Emmanuel Goldstein.  The line I read from the book deals with a daily event in the lives of those in 1984 which is called the Two Minutes Hate.  According to the book, people are living in a world in which everything is controlled and the result of which is a discontent and unsatisfied life. As you may have experienced, when you have prolonged discontent, eventually it becomes a manifested emotion or action.  Left unchecked, this discontent would typically be directed at the very entity that caused such discontent. In the case of, "1984,", it would be the political system; the Party and Big Brother.  However, in order to avoid being the target of such discontent, the Party created another focal point for hate. This focal point is the Brotherhood, which is supposedly the group working against the Party. The Brotherhood is led by Emmanuel Goldstein, another focal point for the hate. The Party has also made it a crime to not focus your hate on that to which they are directing you.  The purpose is to exhaust your hate and discontent such that it gets it out of your system. Once out of your system, you no longer feel the internal pressure to manifest a hate towards the Party.

Excellent idea isn't it? You can tell that the Party has thought this through. They've turned an uncontrollable situation into a controlled one. Because they could not prevent the hate to begin with, it is directed into a "Party Safe" direction.

Orwell has many different quotes regarding the state of the political and corporate control system. Just do an internet search for him and his quotes.  You can surmise that his novel was not simply great fiction, but a message he was sending his readers.  J.K. Rowling wrote a book, but has not followed it up with quotes on the dangers (or benefits) of witchcraft in society. "Harry Potter," appears to be a fiction with no further purpose than to simply entertain.  "1984," on the other hand, being followed and preceded by numerous quotes on the danger and imminence of such a system, is a warning.

However, people have not either heeded the warning or are simply not aware how this situation is currently upon us. I will make my comparison list fairly succinct as there are many comparisons to be made between, "1984," and 2012.

One can feel it in their very gut that we are currently in a system of control. It does not take much searching or reasoning to see it. I'm not talking about the fact that we have police or government. Those are necessities for a community to flourish and a civilization to grow.  What I am talking about is the larger political and corporate structures; their collusions to maintain the current hierarchy of class in order to facilitate and grow their own existence.

You know it exists. And you are discontent because of it. I wouldn't necessarily go so far as to say you hate it; but the discontent is palpable.

If you have not already gathered, there is a system of control in place which directs your discontent (which becomes hate, and you'll see that in a moment) toward the strawman antagonists; towards the entities which appear to be real threats but are actually simply objects to which we must direct our hate. And it is slowly becoming against the law to not do so. I have proof.

Do you remember the last time our country was not run by Democrats or Republicans?  Theoretically, if these parties were polar opposites, and assuming one party was the good one and one the bad one ( regardless of which ), then we should really be roughly where we started off; having had 4 to 8 years of bad and 4 to 8 years of good. These years should have balanced one party from the other.  But they haven't. We have seen a general decline of social living conditions and economic hardship over the last century.  So, in the end, what's the difference from one to the other? We can argue healthcare and military, but these things are just argument points. And if you watch the atmosphere around you, you'll notice the hate emerging. You'll see how vehemently people hate George Bush, Barack Obama, and now are hating on Mitt Romney. I use the word hate because you simply have to watch the internet, see the memes, the accusations. Bush did this, Obama did that.  But this and that would have happened regardless of who sat in the chair at the time. Because it's been happening for over a century. And it is happening regardless of which ass sits in that seat. What you begin to realize after seeing the pattern is that there really is only one party.  But as a form of control, that party has two faces.  That of the Democrat and that of the Republican.  And you can see the consumption of our society in the fighting between parties. Look at what is happening now. We have a presidential election in a month and the hate-mongering is at an all time - 4 year high.  It's not 2 minutes every day, but it is every election we have. People become blinded by the party lines. People identify with the Democrat and Republican parties, and turn their hate towards the other side. Of course this isn't fostered by the two parties or the media. *If you did not see the sarcasm in that statement, you are not allowed to read the rest of this, or any other blog post I may write. I have standards, you know*

I hope you can see this. You have been hating the Brotherhood, a semi fictitious entity whose sole existence is set up as a control by the true Party.  Whether Orwell already saw this or had another object of hate in mind, I can't be sure. But, after some soul searching and reasoning, I would find it odd that you did not at least see some partial truth in this. If you look at the system as a whole and not from the viewpoint as a polarized party member, you see that we have had Orwell's, "Two Minutes Hate," for over a century.

I also told you that it is slowly becoming against the law to not be part of this and that I had proof.

Because this publication was leaked, I can discuss part of it. Though I will not link to it or give details of anything more than what has been discussed by the media.

In the late 2000's, an intelligence report was put out by a Missouri intelligence reporting agency. The report was subsequently leaked and caused the reporting to cease for a time.  The contents of that report had stirred up much trouble and bad publicity for that agency.  In the report, it was stated as one of the factors for determining whether a person can be suspected of being a domestic terrorist was having a "Ron Paul" bumper sticker.  Ron Paul at the time was a Libertarian.  While this is not solid proof that it's illegal to not hate one of the Polar Parties, you can see the trend that if you hate Democrats because you are Republican, or if you hate Republicans because you are Democrat, then the system supports you. But if you hate both Parties because you simply won't buy into the system, and you consider a solution outside what the system's Hate suggests, you, according to the report, can be considered an enemy of the system.

Just to be clear, I cannot say whether I've read or not read this report. I am simply regurgitating information giving out by the media.

I concede that I am not always 100% correct, but I am still looking for proof. So if you have solid evidence or even reason and rationale as to why my logic is off, please submit your non-stupid reasoning for consideration.

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