Thursday, December 29, 2011


Thought of the day: you generally don't get where you want to go unless you want to go somewhere.  Really, have you ever gone out on a date with the super hot man / woman on Saturday night, having the greatest time and knowing in your heart you've met the person you will spend the rest of your life ( or statistically, the next ten years)  with? Well, that's a stretch, some have, some have not.  My point is you had to have wanted it. Else it would be categorized as kidnap (which seems oddly kidcentric, if you thought about it, who would want to steal a kid? If i were to grab someone, I'd grab an adult, typically there's a lot less complaining).

Wow. What a horrible start.

Anyways, you have to want something before you typically get it. Funny enough, we spend our youths "needing" things, but when we grow up can't figure out what the hell we want.

 So what do you want? Money, fame, stuff? Seriously, you are not in a bikini competing for the Miss America ribbon, so world peace is not a valid answer right now. Especially if you have kids. After a day of dealing with them, you are lucky if you remember to take the garbage out, so get away from the world peace stuff.

So, what do you want? Have you ever written it down? Try it. A couple times. I've spent this year ( more so since May 22, Google it ) trying to figure out what exactly I want. I mean, considering how much I've lost, I've really gotten a lot this year. But what have I been looking for?

I've known many close friends and family members who have suffered PTSD from the tornado. I've convinced myself I have not. Until I started researching symptoms for someone else, and one direction PTSD can take you is in thrill seeking behavior. Well now. Here's my justification for why my thrill seeking behavior is NOT PTSD: I refuse to die and unlived life.

What does that mean though? An unlived life. Superficialists would probably say that if you don't live you're dead and since you're not dead you must be living. Thanks for the deepness of thought. Please stick to the shallow end of the pool, will you? So, does my desire to skydive come under thrill seeking from PTSD or does it come under refusing to die and unlived life? Here's how I know it's the latter: I want more than to fall from a plane. This year has brought me to a new level of want. The combination of a new kick-ass job as well as the tornado, and all the other things one can go through that rates high on the doctor's shitthatcausesyoustress list has really allowed me to get one step deeper in what I want.

 So here's what really means something to me... inspiration. I love to be inspired. I think everyone does. We watch an inspirational movie, read an inspirational book, or listen to an inspirational speaker and have an incredible feeling after. The feeling we get isn't like "Snow Dogs" which is a good feeling movie. I mean the feeling which you get that actually makes you sit up, stand up, move, help, create, experience, LIVE. That's inspiration. I recall watching a show where a millionaire goes around acting like a regular Joe Shmoe and then gives out money to people who they feel are deserving. They bless people with their money. I would love to have the capacity to bless people. But let me differentiate between blessing someone and inspiring someone. It's the same as the adage of giving (blessing) a man a fish and teaching him (inspiring) him to fish. One causes him to possess a fish, which isn't bad and can really brighten someones's day, and the other causes that person to have the capacity to give others fish. One stops with the action and the other causes a wildfire of good.

So, what is it that I want? Not that you personally care about what I want, but you've read this far so suck it up. I want to inspire. I want to be the person by which others cannot help but to be moved to positive action.

But this really isn't about me. This is about us. Inspiration affects us. The question is do you want to affect others? Become the Donald Trump of life in that your actions have repercussions beyond what your own hands do? You must. Some people are content plugging day to day, but please know, I have been inspired by everyone in my life at one time or another. My dog has inspired me, my children have inspired me, my family and friends have inspired me. Anyone can inspire. Anyone. You must choose to do it daily though. 

Really, that's the only way I'm going to get world peace. :-) Hope you like my bikini.

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