Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is makeup really standard?

Now, first off, I just want to say that I realize the answer to my following questions are deeply rooted in the media portraying women as sex objects from a very young age. So no need to answer the questions that are answered by that statement.

That being said, why does the bar get set for women at having make up on? And without make up, they are simply not good enough?

I realize I've already answered that question, but really, I'm not asking about girls who have no minds of their own but must succumb to whatever the boob-tube and latest issues of "Seventeen" tells them. My question is specifically for women.  I differentiate the two, because we, as a society, expect guys to grow up eventually, though we all know how well that works out most of the time.  But really, we expect that whatever preconceptions boys learn from their respective brain washing mechanisms is completely objective and that if they succumb while they are older, they have not "matured." This includes treating girls like shit.  Don't forget Billy who pulled your hair in 4th grade ( I never did that, except for when I did. In fact, I remember a girl I had the biggest crush on from grades 4 through 7 and I was mean as hell to her. She probably had no clue. I think I'll drop her a message on facebook and apologize for being an ass. ). He did that because he had not other way of getting your attention.  However, we expect that Billy will one day grow up and recognize certain childish actions were simply a part of the growth process and put them behind him. If he doesn't, we call him immature, male chauvinist, jack-ass, ass-monkey, bastard, and a whole slew of other colorful metaphors.

Really, we expect men to recognize the brain washing of their childhood and to overcome it by simple recognition of the fact.

So now we have the little princess, who will win Prince Charming simply by being beautiful. We all recognize that as the brain washing of little girls.  Don't we? I think it's obvious. If you don't thinks it's obvious, "Curious George" maybe more suited to your intellectual capacity at this time.

I would posit that makeup is a by-product of this brainwashing. In order to look beautiful, you must wear makeup.  I realize this is not a Disney thing though. People who point fingers at Disney probably need to check out those women with massive plates in their lips, or rings that stretch their necks, or back in ancient Egypt where the pictures left to us denoting their culture shows makeup. So, no, Disney didn't start this, they simply propagate.

But let me ask you this.  If boys are brainwashed to be rough and tumble, my junk's bigger than your junk, kind of people, and girls are brainwashed to be beautiful princesses because that's the only way to success, why then are men held to a higher standard than that of women?  Really, men are criticized for carrying on this attitude and are called jack-wagon, dill-hole, and a complete douche for doing such. We expect men to recognize and out grow this attitude and hold them accountable for it.

Yet, we do not do the same for women.  And just to be clear, this isn't a "men's lib" piece. My point will become clear... sooner or later.

You see, woman have this belief that if they wear makeup, they are at their "normal".  They are still marching to the little Princess tune.  No, I don't disagree that makeup does come into play at times. But really, when you throw on some jeans and a t-shirt to go play softball with your friends, are you really saying, "I should probably be wearing an evening gown?"  There is a time and place for dress up. Yet, when it comes to their face, they have not gotten over the little Princess brainwashing.

I've been told many times, "I don't have my makeup on, so don't look at me," or, "don't be disgusted."  Fucking really? I realize many men are shallow, but you need to understand that you are perpetuating the glass ceiling. You are perpetuating this double standard that's being used against you.  Do I get pampered up when I go on a date? Hell yes! I make sure everything is shaved right, my cologne is kick ass, and I'm drop dead sexy in my clothing. My point is to become as irresistible to my date as possible. I pull all the stops and so does every other guy. If the social convention were that we don makeup as well, then get the damned trowel out!

However, when it's Saturday and I'm brushing the grass off my cleats to go play ball, I throw some deodorant on so my presence doesn't offend anyone, and THAT'S IT!  My goal is not to impress anyone with my looks ( although I have been told I look good in cleats ). My goal is to live and do.

So why are women not held to the same, "don't be such an immature shmuck," as men are?  Why are women not told they are, "jill-asses, betty-butts, and smelly-susans," (sorry, that's the best I got) when they do not overcome in their adulthood the brainwashing of their child hood?

I don't think you, as the female species, realize that we think you are hot!  But we do not require you to play softball in makeup, or do laundry in makeup, go to work in makeup, or have makeup on at all, unless you are trying to be sexually irresistible.  The problem is, I think, you have forgotten the sex part.  Guys have a problem with sex. They want it. (I realize females want it too, but you can start your own damned blog if you want to talk about it.)  BUT, they don't always need it. So, if you show them sex, they will want sex. If you show them sexy, they will want sex. And if you show them sexually irresistible, they will want sex.  Makeup is part of that.

Wow, I don't think I've really made my point clear so everyone can understand, so here's where I make it clear: Stop considering yourself ugly if you don't have makeup on. That's crap. That's a stereotype we created while brainwashing you as a little girl. And if you can't get over it as an adult, then you're a Salacious-Sally (really, I'm not that good at female based insults). I'm not saying makeup is bad. Not at all. And really, wear it whenever the hell you want.  But you need to remember two important things, and these are the take homes, Ladies. 1) If you try to look sexy, we will think of sex, not of character or quality. 2) We would prefer you to understand that you are beautiful and that makeup adds to that and to get over the "I am only beautiful WHEN I have makeup on," brainwashing.

I hope you get it. You women rock and don't need all that crap to be beautiful. What's more attractive in the, "I wonder if she likes Italian or Chinese cuisine more," type of way, is seeing a woman who has the confidence to know she is beautiful without makeup. To know her standard is her own self, not some mask she has to put on to fool everyone, herself included.

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