Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Paradigm shift. Soul shift

Most people have heard of a paradigm shift.  Ya know. When your brain does a 180 degree turn in your skull?  It's what happens when a whole much of ah ha moments happen in one instant, such that the way you think is never the same. Some people have experienced one or two paradigm shifts in their lives. Some people many more. I think experiencing a paradigm shift is one of the most exciting events that happens in ones live.  And the topic is a varied as life itself.  It could be the moment you realize your wife is not a maid but an equal partner in the business of marriage (good luck ladies, most guys don't get this paradigm shift until they are... well... never). It could be much smaller in that you figure out the triangle doesn't go into the square hole. It's a great event that makes you feel accomplished and for those that have any kind of head on their shoulders, will change their lives forever.

I wanted to coin a new phrase: Soul Shift.  However, after having thought about that phrase for a while I decided to google it to see how original I am. What I found was that I was VERY original and a whole bunch of people with time machines, once again, have stolen my idea and gone back in time and used the phrase all over the internet.  Some people have even written books using my phrase. Damn it!

Oh well. Anyways, I'm creating the phrase soul shift, again. It's my phrase for not simply a thought changing event, but a soul changing event.  I don't know if everyone experiences these. In fact, I'm betting that most people do NOT. I think it takes certain characteristics in a person to allow them to have a soul shift. I do NOT however think that only certain people can have a soul shift. I think it's an event that is available to anyone. I simply think that some people will not put the effort into fostering the characteristics that would make them receptive to the information that would cause a soul shift.

What is a soul shift you ask? Well, let's assume there is one correct way of being. We are not going to get religious in this, but many religions attempt to define what the correct way of being is. Now, let's assume you are not that way. You are not going in the right direction. A soul shift is a course correction in your being to point you more towards the right direction in life. These are not simple round peg in square hole paradigm shift where your understanding increases after. This is a phenomenal event that turns your world upside leaving you a better person.

I think we can strive to achieve a soul shift. I think it's our job and purpose to get our souls on the right track. 

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